Fish Fry Recruiting Devices

ECONET is the short name of the project “Fish Fry Recruiting Devices”.
The project ECONET is the result of a joint effort of the Institute of Marine Biological Resources (IMBR), University of Crete (UoC), DIOPAS SA and NAYS Ltd to meet the market demand for innovative products that could help the fishing industry to apply large scale fish protection programs using inexpensive materials.
The central idea is to provide inexpensive, simple in construction and deployment devices which could have the same or better impact on fish stock rehabilitation as conventional applications (
(Client: General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT), Management and Implementation Authority for Research, Technological Development and Innovation Actions)

Strategies for the gradual elimination of discards in European fisheries (DiscardLess).

Programme: Horizon 2020 – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020), Collaborative project.

Led by National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Technical University of Denmark (DTU Aqua) this Consortium of 31 partners from 12 countries will provide the knowledge, tools and methods required for the successful reduction of discards in European fisheries.

DiscardLess worked through collaborations between scientists, stakeholders and policy makers to support and promote practical, achievable, acceptable and cost-effective discards mitigation strategies, and to make the EU landing obligation functional, credible and legitimate.

The collaborative approach of DiscardLess ensures that the developed tools, information and strategies will provide relevant, acceptable and cost effective means with a wide uptake in society which will result in the achievement of the goals of the landing obligation.

DiscardLess is designed to take on the simultaneous challenges and opportunities of studying and implementing a radical new management approach. Placing DiscardLess in its policy context will bring it to the forefront of documenting the history of a fundamental paradigm shift in European fisheries management.


Non-local labor in the Fisheries Sector

The purpose of this study was to provide the Commission with an overview of the current situation, and a list of reliable sources of information regarding the employment of non-local labour within the EU fishing, aquaculture and processing industries of EU coastal Member State. The primary data were collected and interpreted in order to provide an evaluation and description of trends between 2008 and the 2015. In addition, data collected at the level of the Member States and compared to other non-EU OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries. The case study in Greece focused on the island of Evia. The choice of the case study was based on the fact that Evia is one of the most important places where aquaculture was developed in Greece since the mid-70s and for a long time it accommodated the largest number of companies and volume of production.

This was completed through a series of project tasks/objectives summarised as follows:

  1. Within Inception Phase:
  • Refine Case Studies
  • Define Case Study Teams (Define local data collection teams for case studies and key stakeholder consultations)
  • Stakeholder Engagement Plan (Define which key stakeholders will be contacted by core team to collect data / undertake interviews. Define which local stakeholders will be contacted by local teams during case studies)
  • Preliminary Data Source Search (Identification of national/local data sources for collection)
  1. Within Data Collection Phase:
  • Stakeholder Engagement Templates (Pilot and review draft stakeholder consultation templates / guides)
  • Stakeholder Consultations (Conduct EC/National Key Stakeholder Interviews. Preliminary analysis of data sources)
  • Conduct Pilot Case Study (Case Study – Greece – Evia island)
  • Reporting (Revise Interim Report)
  1. Within Analysis and Reporting Phase:
  • Reporting (Case Study Reporting and Review. Case Study Reporting and Review)

(Client: MRAG Ltd through its agreement with the European Commission)

Landing Obligation (LO) in the Black Sea

In this study, led by MRAG, the implementation of how the new landing obligation (LO) in the Black Sea (EU Member States, Bulgaria and Romania) was examined, as well as the assessment of the main implications of the implementation of the LO provisions in small pelagic and demersal fisheries (with focus on turbot).

This was completed through a series of project tasks/objectives, summarised as follows:

(a) The identification and description of the EU fisheries in the Black Sea catching sprat and turbot, including relevant information bycatch/discards and on economic performance of those fisheries.

(b) Estimating the discard rate for relevant fisheries by means of data compilation or field sampling strategies.

(c) Identifying the main factors that are driving discards of sprat and turbot in the Black Sea fisheries.

(d) Identifying a range of cases where de minimis exemptions could apply and exploring the potential impacts of the de minimis exemptions through worked examples.

(e) Providing advice on the implementation of the provisions above from a biological, practical and control point of view, including orientations on the desirable level of de minimis.

(f) Providing advice on the appropriateness of the current minimum conservation reference sizes (MCRS) applicable in the Black Sea EU countries.

(Client: MRAG Ltd through its agreement with the European Commission)

VIOAXIOPOIO – Production of high quality and added value biomolecules utilizing fishery by-products and discards
Collaborative Research Project in the framework of the NATIONAL RTDI (Research, Technological Development and Innovation) ACTION «RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE»

VIOAXIOPIO project aims at the exploitation of fish by-products and discards (FBPD), which currently are thrown away through the current supply chain (handling, marketing and processing), towards the production of high added value biomolecules (HAVB), such as gelatine, various forms of collagen, unsaturated fatty acids and minerals-trace elements.

The consortium consists of:

  • Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (H.C.M.R.)
  • Section of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of  Natural Products, Department of Pharmacy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA-PHARM)
  • Central Markets and Fishery Organizations (CMFO) S.A.
  • NAYS Ltd

In this context NAYS delivers the following:

  • Preparation of a National Program for the utilization of Fishery By-Products and Discards.
  • Feasibility study for the development of production lines of high added value biomolecules in the facilities of CMFO and in small fishing industries.

(Client: General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT), Management and Implementation Authority for Research, Technological Development and Innovation Actions)



The ICHTHYOKOITIDA Patent has been awarded by the Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation / No. 1009469, 25-2-2019.

Ms. Ioanna Argyrou has been appointed as the Administrator and Representative of the communication of knowledge on the invention as well as of the diploma awarded by the Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation.

The patent is a workable, inventive idea for commercial and business exploitation under the title ICHTHYOKOITIDA. It is deposited on the sea as a special device which aims at protecting the young fish populations of coastal fish, and therefore, their living at a significantly higher rate than they would survive otherwise. It is a device which not only assists but also protects the development of young fish from their predators to the stage of their autonomy.

ICHTHYOKOITIDA (the crib where the small fish lie) is defined as a non-permanent structure which is placed on the sea floor on sandy or muddy seabeds. It promotes the protection and development of aquatic biological resources and, in particular, the spawn of fish, molluscs and other organisms of economic importance for the Greek fisheries.

The devices are made of ropes and nets (with a variable mesh of the net from 40 mm to 500 mm) which are sewed together properly.

The apparatus, when placed, will have a pyramidal or tree-like form up to eight metres (8 m) high, and will be found at sea depths from twenty (20 m) to forty (40 m) metres. ICHTYOKOITIDES can be organized in groups consisting of 30 – 50 items so as to create submarine fish protection parks.

ICHTHYOKOITIDES are removable/non-stable devices that can offer the same or better results as conventional applications offer in the recovery of fish stocks (concrete artificial reefs).

ICHTHYOKOITIDES create habitats that offer shelter, protection and food to young fish and those factors attract fish.

The modification of the characteristics of the habitats so as to be able to provide protection to young fish, supports fish between the pelagic phase of species and their definite establishment.